This profile was posted back in early May. In both my pre-vacation haste and post-vacation hustle, I never got around to sharing (side note: for that matter, I never got around to sharing that I even went on vacation…and I have great pics and all! So…there’s that.). Which in no way reflects my thoughts on/appreciation for it because…this one is particularly meaningful.
As a first-gener, undergrad was hard. HARD. I was underprepared. I was overburdened. I was immature. I have good memories and not so good memories. I accomplished some great things with great people and I struggled royally with others (things and people). Some of my formative experiences occurred in undergrad—goods and others.
And…it was the turning point of my life.
Stony Brook provided invaluable lessons that shaped me as an engineer (once an engineer, always an engineer), a business person, and a leader. It exposed me to things, people, and experiences I could not have imagined as a little brown girl from Bed-Stuy. It opened doors for me that provided the foundation for where I am today—in a position to serve others.
Stony Brook changed the trajectory of my life. For all of that and more, I will forever be grateful.
So…there’s that. Despite my ridiculous delay in sharing. But hey, on the official Juneteenth holiday, today was as good of a day to share as any, right?
PS: shout-out to my mother—whose birthday just passed on Saturday–and my father who just celebrated another Father’s Day. There’s no me without them because…well…birds…bees…the whole deal. But also, because their love and support—shown in their own ways—were integral. Though I don’t say it enough, please know I’m grateful.
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